
Well, if you are reading this, then I finally made it.  After what seems like an eternity, I am now online. For those who don’t know me, I rarely give up on something, usually at the cost of my sanity.  This came pretty close, I must admit.

I have been making websites for a long time and coding them by hand is something I am at ease with, but eCommerce is a whole new beast and especially as my online store isn’t simply a case of buying off-the-shelf goods.  To cut a long story short, I needed to be able to combine all my items with different choices to go into a shopping cart and then pay via PayPal.  I thought that would be easy.   Nope – completely wrong on that one!

I managed to get all my pages as I wanted them and as I am paying for the privilege, I decided to ask my web host’s advice.  They suggested I downloaded a free shopping cart, which I did.  That was in January.  I couldn’t install it, so I asked them for help.  They managed to get it installed but they took out my email program doing so and I thought I’d lost everything from my business folders.  I was distraught (again).  You don’t realize how important something is until you don’t have it. 

They managed to fix the problem they had caused, eventually.  I think that took a couple of weeks, with one thing and another.  Finally, I unleashed the shopping cart with bated breath.  It was awful! All that time, wasted, for nothing.  I could have cried.  I didn’t dare tell the web host that I didn’t like it.

I had to find another cart.  Unbelievably, I found just what I needed, so I installed it and with a bit of tweaking, had it working quite quickly – oh, apart from the tiny little PayPal problem, that is.  PayPal wouldn’t recognize the shopping in the cart.  Great. Just what I needed.

About Helen

I am a jewellery designer, specializing in semi-precious gemstones and Swarovski crystals and pearls
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